Zhima: Journey into an oriental melting pot. Contemporary design melds with traditional, yet inspired cuisine creating a feast for all the senses.
Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan influences underpin our cooking style. Beautifully presented and served in a seductive and elegant interior, delivering taste on every level.
My Creative designed a bold, grand & empirical statement of a brand. Using chiselled gold lettering & Chinese symbols. Light reflects from the base of the wordmark to give an austere and impressive impact. As if looking up at the entrance of an Emperor's Palace.
Deliverables include Research + brand identity, sign design, shopfront elements, menu system, Logo design, cocktail labels, typography, uniform apparel and takeaway packaging.

Signage & Shopfront.
by Ewan Leckie at My Creative:
Signage & Shopfront.
by Ewan Leckie at My Creative:

Interior Design: Dominic Paul
Website: ZHIMA

Collateral & Menu Design.
by Ewan Leckie at My Creative:
Collateral & Menu Design.
by Ewan Leckie at My Creative:

Thank you. If you would like to know more about My Creative or are interested in collaborating in a new venture please visit us at Twitter / Instagram or Email
Brand and design by Ewan Leckie at My Creative:
Interior Design: Dominic Paul
Website: ZHIMA